For dinner Courtney and I made Turkey - which was SO tasty. We made a rub, that's what all the chefs on the Food network tell you to do. The phrase of the night was "I saw this on the food network, I got it!"

But the trick is to put the rub between the skin and meat...which means you have to put your hands in there. It was SO cool. At one point I had my hands in up to my wrists. WILD! But along with the turkey we made, sweet potato casserole, and purple Palin potatoes. Palin potatoes are made with Alaskan purple potatoes, and absolutely no crazy fixins'...nope no extra salt or garlic or anything that would make them tasty. I know we're nuts.

I made a pumpkin pie and Courtney burned the apple pie. Nick made the green bean casserole and stuffing. Boy was it a good feast! MMmmmm The rest of the pics are of our fantastic spread!
Green Bean Casserole and Apple Pie:

Sweet Potato Casserole:

The nicely set table:

The spread of delicious food:

Mmmm! Looks delish! The purple potatoes are, hmmm, shall we say interesting looking? Were they good? I heard that about sticking the rub for the turkey in between the skin and the meat. I'm glad you think it was cool - I would have been totally grossed out! Congrats on the fabulous meal! And the gloves - go you! I'm not that brave!
What a great posting! Its so nice to see how you spent your Thanksgiving holiday! Since you could not be home with all of us it is very reasuring that you have good friends to enjoy. I also LOVE the video cam. I want to get one for my laptop so we can video chat all the time. Only 19 more days till your home! Hang in there, the time will fly by.
Speaking of the turkey rub, I'm glad you know how to do it and thought it was cool, plan on doing for our xmas meal. The job is yours!!
Looking so very forward to our xmas holiday with you home.
Love MOM
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